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Ingredient overview

Omega-3 (132mg total: EPA 62mg, DHA 44mg)

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fatty acids, which means that mammalian species rely on their diet, or supplementation as a source. Omega-3 fatty acids help to soothe stiff joints.

When considering supplementation with Omega-3, it is important to consider both the quantity and quality that is provided…

It can sometimes be difficult to determine the quantities of Omega-3 in some products, because only the quantity of the source of Omega-3 (e.g., fish oil, krill oil or green-lipped mussel) is provided; 100mg of green-lipped mussel, fish or krill oil does not equate to 100mg of Omega-3. The total Omega-3 content in Locox TT is 132mg per tab. Independent laboratory analysis found Locox TT to contain a greater Omega-3 content (143.5mg per tab) and up to 4.5x the amount of Omega-3s compared to the market leading joint supplement. (Independent laboratory analysis of Omega 3 levels per tab. Results provided by Labexan. Laboratories, Cognac France, Feb 2021)

The quality of Omega-3 is even more important and this will be influenced by the source. The 3 marine sources of Omega-3 include fish oil, krill oil and green-lipped mussel; with fish and krill oil deemed superior to green-lipped mussel. The Omega-3 in Locox TT is from sustainably sourced fish oil.

Finally, there are many types of Omega-3 fatty acids, of which, EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) are most critical for joint support. Locox TT contains the highest quantities of EPA (66mg) and DHA (44mg) when compared to competitor products.

Glucosamine (200mg) and Chondroitin (134mg)

Glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate work synergistically to support joint cartilage and synovial fluid- they contribute to the synthesis of the building blocks of cartilage.

Glucosamine and chondroitin can be absorbed in as little as 2 hours. The glucosamine in Locox TT is in a crystalline form. Crystalline glucosamine sulfate has demonstrated improved bioavailability (absorption) compared to glucosamine hydrochloride (the form often found in joint supplements). Glucosamine sulfate is available both systemically and within joints.

MSM (200mg)

MSM (Methyl-sulfonyl-methane) possesses antioxidant action, aids cartilage production and soothes stiff joints. It is a naturally occurring organic sulphur that is rapidly absorbed and well distributed throughout the body.

Superoxide dismutase (25mg)

Superoxide dismutase (SOD) is a major enzyme in the anti-oxidant system, helping to neutralise free radicals

SOD in Locox TT is derived from the juice of a patented non-GMO Cantaloupe melon variety (Cucumis melo L). Supplementation with SOD, has been associated with anti-oxidant activity.

In addition, SOD protects Omega-3 fatty acids from lipid peroxidation (oxidative degradation of fats), thereby preserving Locox TT’s high quality Omega-3 profile.

Vitamin E (22mg), Manganese (7mg) and Zinc (10mg).

Vitamin E neutralises free radicals and supports healthy cartilage.
Zinc and manganese act as co-factors for anti-oxidant enzymes. Zinc and manganese are also considered anabolic, supporting collagen formation.

Made with our patented Tasty Tech™ manufacturing process for guaranteed quality and great taste!

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