+44 (0) 800 038 5868

The solution is Emedog

  • Presented in single use, 1ml vials

  • Less waste- use as per need

  • Vials have a 3 year unopened shelf life

  • 1mg/ml solution

  • Easy and accurate dosing

  • Effective in only one injection

  • Expulsive effects seen in 2 to 15 minutes

  • Available in packs of 5 and 20 x 1ml vials


 Click here to view the full spc

The veterinary licensed apomorphine emetic to induce emesis in dogs.

Dosing Guide
Poisoning guidelines
Related products
Useful links

Emedog 1 mg/ml, solution for injection for dogs contains apomorphine. Legal category POM-V. For the induction of emesis in dogs. Please refer to the product packaging and leaflets for information about side effects, precautions, warnings and contra-indications. Use medicines responsibly. For more information please view the full SPC or contact TVM UK on 0800 0385868. Address: TVM-UK Animal Health Ltd, Kirtlington Business Centre, Slade Farm, Kirtlington, Oxfordshire, UK. OX5 3JA.